Monday, October 29, 2007

New Site for Game Worn Jersey Collectors

The number of game-worn jersey and game-used equipment collectors is growing. There's a big enough market for companies who specialize in the sale and distribution of team apparel and 'tools of the trade' to actually have a thriving, lucrative business. Authentication is improving as more knowledge is spread about the provenance of those items. The leagues and teams themselves are now very savvy regarding the potential value of things they used to give away, hand down to minor league clubs or toss out.

Deals can still be had, however, if you watch eBay closely. It's fun to browse the listings via rather than having to wade through mountains of different eBay categories. You can find equipment--and also the memorabilia cards that have game-used uniform swatches or bat pieces on them, many of which can be had for a song...and a bad song at that.

You can also preview Minor League TV, a site which carries links to video in and around the world of minor league sports. Crazy promotions and commercials, manager tirades and even some minor league hockey fights.

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